Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fan Art Feature: Kalara Vadras by Rage-Halo

While we wait on more story to be written, I thought I'd feature some of the amazing art inspired by The Uncrucified!  I commissioned Rage-Halo on DA for a simple portrait of Kalara.  He surprised me with this full colored lovely!

I haven't quite defined the designs on Kalara's artifact flame pieces just yet, which made this a special treat to see what the artist did with them! I always imagined them appearing similar to the Indian matchlock weaponry I've seen with ornately styled panels in metal, wood, and shell.  For the curious, I've saved all the weaponry references for Kalara onto my story's board on Pinterest.

I think this green vest dress is becoming iconic for her as well. I'll have to play with a fully body shot of it sometime!

Go Favorite Rage-Halo's piece on DeviantART here.

EDIT: Rage-Halo did another gift art piece of Kalara I thought I'd add. So cool to see her doing the gun-fu I haven't had a chance to draw her doing yet!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Open to the Public!

After much thought, I decided to switch this blog over to being accessible to the public!  Current readers, please be aware that your feedback can now be seen by everyone.

I decided it was much easier to send out updates about new chapters this way rather than having to use workarounds!  Now, there's a handy Subscribe by Email box in the sidebar where you can sign up to have this blog automagically email you when new posts go up.

The main reason I made this blog private in the first place was to learn how to manage a private feedback blog for when I want to do so for my original fiction.  But as I'm writing fanfiction here, there's no need to be so secretive.  Enjoy and feel free to link this to anyone else you think might be able to leave valuable feedback!

Also enjoy the sweet, sweet convenience of easy email updates!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Where to Keep Up? + Progress Report!

EDIT: I've switched this blog to be public now to make it play friendly with RSS readers!  Now there's a Subscribe by Email button in the sidebar if you'd like an automatic email whenever new posts go up. Yay!

Checking in to let you know I haven't forgotten about The Uncrucified!  First up, I'm trying to figure out the best way to push out updates to readers since this private blog does not have RSS that can be used with standard subscription and RSS readers.

To that end, I've set up some update mirrors where you all can subscribe for updates about new chapters, posts, etc.:

- On Reddit
- On Tumblr
- On Twitter

So give your favorite outlet a Follow so you can keep up here!  I had started a mailing list, but I noticed no one has subscribed to it yet, so I removed the option.  It's also easier for me to just post to social media and be done with it rather than compose an email, honestly!

If you'd like email updates sent directly to you, I recommend using a service like blogtrottr to be emailed posts from this project's tumblr mirror.

Facebook Group?

I'm pondering a closed Facebook Group to push out updates and conduct discussions as well since I participate in groups often there. However, I don't want to be the only member there talking to myself.  If I started one up, would that be an easier way to communicate and see updates?  I'd like to hear your thoughts!

In Other News...

I haven't returned to writing yet, but after getting feedback from the couple of you who have finished Act 1 of this story and left your thoughts, I'm brimming with ideas for the next draft!  To be sure, there will be more adventures in Gem, more of Djali, and more refinement, overall.

I'm still studying up on the cities of Chiaroscuro and Gem and want to feel confident I can do justice to these amazing locales before I return to writing.  I want people to feel the shattered grandeur of Chiaroscuro and the resourcefulness of the mining community of Gem!

I glossed over a LOT in this Alpha draft and I have a feeling it's going to explode into something grandiose as I move into Beta form!

Till then, thanks as ever for providing your thoughts, those who have!  Those who haven't, I understand life gets busy.  If life isn't holding you back, but the story is, for one reason or another, that's feedback I need to hear as well!  Be brutal. That's what this process is about!

And now...back to hitting the rulebooks!