Yesterday, this little project of mine turned 3 years old! It felt like a good time to pop in and let everyone now that this project is NOT DEAD. The Uncrucified has been waylaid once more by my other responsibilities (haaa I just finished running like 4 Kickstarters in a row) with an extra layer of pandemic craziness that seems to be slowing down every facet of my life as an independent artist.
The Uncrucified has always been in the back of my mind, however! I've been brewing on it and thinking where I want to go and I've made a BIG decision.
I want to publish this story via the official Storyteller's Vault! And not just the story, but also I'd like to create bundles that include the audiobook, homebrew locales, character sheets, items, etc. inspired by this story. I'm so excited by the prospect of having an excuse to draw even more art for this little world within a world I've been putting together here!
My goal now is to really make this story as polished it can be! I hope to carve out more time to write now that life is slowing down again. I'm also already in talks with a possible editor to help me make this story the best it can be and other folks who love this project who might lend me a hand with creating stat sheets and the like.
I've also been pondering on launching an Uncrucified-themed Patreon to help me be able to focus on this ambitious endeavor, but that's still a long ways off and I'll need to think about how it might be structured, if it would be worth the extra effort to upkeep, etc. What would you guys like as rewards if I ever did make a Patreon specifically for this project?
So hang in there, dear readers! This project will rise again. I'm so excited to begin with renewed vigor and new focus!