Thursday, January 11, 2018

Concept Art: Early Sketches of Koh and the Pristine Guild Logo

Been meaning to scan this in for ages! Here's a page from my sketchbook with an early doodle of Kalara when she first came into our Exalted game as Koh the Silver-Tongued Devil, Merchant Prince for a new upstart Guild and fugitive slave as her cover story.

Her Pristine Guild's logo was originally the Old Realm for the letter "G" (for the Guild) with the Eclipse Caste mark graffitied over the Guild's original logo with gold paint. As her Guild grew, she added a phoenix to the banner, which was inspired by their first battle against the soldiers who showed up to take back other fugitive slaves she was protecting.

Her new ally, a Twilight Caste sorceress, summoned a phoenix that flew over the battlefield, singing songs as he went, and burning through their enemies. Plus, a phoenix seems fitting for Kalara and her Guild, who have a philosophy of burning down the old to build things anew.

Plus, my scribbly notes about NPCs and politics in our game at the time for flavor!

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